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Young at heart and I keep forgetting my age.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

King of Fruits

It is Durian season !

The season has been like for 2 weeks already but it did not excite me. What excites me was that my durian supplier is back in town and I bought 12 kg of durians! Well, it is only 4 durians *smiles*

I quickly sms my kid brother to come over to help me crack the durians, he is a durian opener expert! I buy bitter-sweet durian which was splendid! The left over is kept safely in the fridge.

Bewarn, too much of durians can cause soar throat and feverish *serious*


zd said...

waa...nurd is durian expert huh? rugi i wasn't there..and there was left overs in the fridge??!!how could?i would've cleaned them all....hahah...

zd said...

i want durian..i want durian...