A miracle is born on 9/9/09 at Sunway Medical Centre.
We named her Noera Deena.
She weighs 3.32kg (the heaviest among her siblings).
It was an easy early pregnancy with no morning sickness (that is why I myself did not notice I was pregnant then...). However, at 8 months, I began having gases, urine infection and false contraction. The feets start to swell badly and leg cramps develop at alternate nights.
Delivering the baby was quite easy. I was on induction (on drips) and it took me 2 hours to deliver the baby. It takes 3 pushes and all is done.
However, we are kept waited in the labour room for 3 hours because there was no room available. During the same day, there was 7 C-section in the morning. In total, there are 18 babies were born.
I was discharged on second day after get clearance from both my Gynae and Paed. Total bill was RM 3K+ for a single bed. The hospital service has improved so much over 5 years and all staffs are very helpful.
For now, Im nursing my baby with both breast milk and formula milk. Hope to continue the same when I start working.
I will be visiting my doc on the 6th weeks and hopefully all is fine.
Look at Deena, is not she an angel?