My kids has their own bed since we moved into our renovated home in 2006. Now my girl is 6 YO and son 4 YO. They love their single bed with their own super-hero cartoon bedsheet.
Normally, before bedtime, I would cite Doa and put them to bed. There are times, Haleef just want more attention and led me tuck in bed with him. At night, I would slowly move into my room.
This week, my HB is outstation and I invited the kids to sleep with me on the Queen bed. They were so excited (as though we are going for some trip!) that they brought along their pillows and blankets. My bed is now overcrowded by mountain of pillows.
Before we sleep, the bed evolved overtime quickly. At first it is WAR zone, so they build "tent" and start throwing pencils (I assume those are weapons - arrows maybe?). After some stern voice from me... they stopped and tidy the bed.
Then, come giggling sounds. Now they are under the blankets, walking like zombie and knock against each other! If the knock is too hard, I can hear Haleef crying for help.
So, I decided to sit in the room and watch them. They stood together and watched me as well. All are trying not to laugh. A bit of eye winks, some facial expression and out goes our LAUGHTER! I never laughed so hard that tears running down the cheeks.
After the adrenalin rush, we tidy the bed (again) and takes our placing. Each are fighting for a bigger space. So I decided to sleep in the middle, be the big bolster.
At 4 in the morning, both kids' legs are over me ! Easing myself, I push them aside to give me some space. By morning, I noticed Haleef is already upside down and Yasmine hugging me like bolster.. hehehe
Oh well, once a while, I get to sleep with the kids. It is an experience to cherish and remember.
p/s: let me get some photo (if any)